
Showing posts from 2013

A Father Like No Other

One of the few pictures I have with papa when I was a baby :) I grew up not spending a lot of time with my father. When I was a kid, my uncles were the ones who stood as my father for papa is working abroad. I was grade 2 at that time, it was my first year to study in Libya. My Father is the one who received the award with me. When I reach 7 years old, my mother brought me to Libya (where they're both working) so we could be together as a family.  But even in Libya, we still couldn't spend more time with him due to his crazy schedule at work, until came the time he stayed in there company on weekdays and went home only during weekends. My mom would always tell me, "Ako lagi nyong kasama, si papa nyo minsan lang, kaya sya sasama sa'yo paakyat ng stage." When we returned here in the Philippines for good, we left papa in Libya. They've decided that he'd work and mama will stay with us and guide as a we grow.  My father would have his vac

Mother: A Gift from God

If you're given a chance to swap your mother and have a new one, will you grab it? Me... No! Even if you'll give a million dollars! With Mama during my graduation :) My mom... She's not perfect. We argue (over small stuff) at times. She nags me at times (and I nag her too :P ). But that won't bulldoze the thousand of times she made me feel loved. My mom...She has a lot of roles in my life... She's my teacher , she is the one who taught me things that aren't taught in school. Like how can a handsome guy sit beside me in the bus(haha!). She's my personal nurse , she takes care of me whenever I'm sick. She's my cook , I couldn't go out of our house without eating because even though she is not good at cooking, she'd prepare something for me. At Manila Hotel after my oath taking She's my driver , when I was in college she would fetch me at school when my class ends super late. She's my clown/storyteller , she tells joke

The Kind of Party that Makes Me High!

I was never a party girl. Sure, I go to birthday parties, but the kind with gleaming lights, deafening music, and leaping bodies on the floor... Never (OK! I've tried but it never turned me on). Now... I couldn't end my week without attending a party. Yep! I'm a party addict now! I love the loud music (so loud, I can sing at the top of my lungs without bothering anyone), I love the lights, and I love the crowd. It just feels right! I feel free! But unlike any other party, the one I'm attending starts at 8 am (Yup! 8 in the morning!).  Well, it doesn't really matter whether it is in the morning, afternoon, or in the evening. What's important is the feeling I experience when I'm there. The feeling of getting high... The feeling of getting addicted... Yes, addicted. Addicted to God.  Addicted to His love. To His promises. To His works. The Feast is a weekly Catholic Prayer Meeting of Light of Jesus Family . It usually starts with the Holy Eucharist fol

Found It!

Have you experienced looking for something that you really want to buy but no matter how many malls you've visited you still can't find it? Every time you go to a mall you'd search for it with so much hope in your heart  but you still end up praying that next time you'll find it? Well, you're not alone. I've experienced it too. 40 Stories of Finding Your One True Love. That is the title of the book that I've been searching for almost 6 months. Why am I looking for it? It's because of 3 things: first, it is written by my favorite Filipino author and preacher, Bro. Bo Sanchez.  Second, part of the cover is one of my favorite worship leaders/preachers, Bro. Audee Villaraza.  And lastly, I want to be inspired by the love stories of other people, praying that one day, I, too, will have my own love story. Last Thursday, after visiting our family friend, my brother and I went to SM South Mall.  As a book lover, I won't leave the mall unless I've c

A Thousand Years

" I would die everyday waiting for you... Darling, don't be afraid I have loved you for a thousand years..." That's my favorite part in Christina Perri's song "A Thousand Years".  Whenever I hear that song, I always think dedicating it to my special someone (well, maybe in the future). But this morning at Grand Easter Feast, when it was sang, God just told me that the song is for me. God is dedicating it for me. He had died waiting for me... He'd loved me for a thousand years (actually, for more than 2 thousand years now!). And it wasn't just for me, it's His song for you too! So, if you feel unworthy or unloved, think again. Someone died for you because that Someone loves you. God had loved you even before you were born. He loves you now. And He will love you to the very end. note: I wrote this after I attended Grand Easter Feast at SMX Convention Center last March 31, 2013 .