Mother: A Gift from God
If you're given a chance to swap your mother and have a new one, will you grab it? Me... No! Even if you'll give a million dollars! With Mama during my graduation :) My mom... She's not perfect. We argue (over small stuff) at times. She nags me at times (and I nag her too :P ). But that won't bulldoze the thousand of times she made me feel loved. My mom...She has a lot of roles in my life... She's my teacher , she is the one who taught me things that aren't taught in school. Like how can a handsome guy sit beside me in the bus(haha!). She's my personal nurse , she takes care of me whenever I'm sick. She's my cook , I couldn't go out of our house without eating because even though she is not good at cooking, she'd prepare something for me. At Manila Hotel after my oath taking She's my driver , when I was in college she would fetch me at school when my class ends super late. She's my clown/storyteller , she tells joke...