
Showing posts from February, 2016

Pasinaya 2016 and Free Heritage Tour: Appreciating Philippine Art and History

I, together with Mavic and Tetet, planned on joining the free heritage tour around Manila hosted by Royal Posted Heritage Guided Tour . The said tour set its meeting place in the Manila Post Office's lobby between 12:30-1 pm... Since we had a lot of time after attending the 8 am Mass at The Feast, we killed our time appreciating Philippine art at CCP for the 2016 Pasinaya Open House Festival. Anything that is related to Philippine art, whether it be a painting, drawing, song, dance, play you can see it at the festival. Since we were only killing time, we weren't able to see a lot, we spend more time on viewing paintings, drawings, and crafts. Various paintings displayed at the second floor of CCP Show your creative side with slippers Art using bleach. This one is my favorite among the all the artworks displayed at CCP.  Tetet writing on the freedom art piece Traditional costumes are also displayed You can even try making your own masterpiece. I actual