Conquered MT. Balagbag and Oriod Falls

After my hike last month, I joined another hiking event last Sunday with my two college friends. It's Jen's first hike and Mavic's second one after our Mt. Gulugod-Baboy hike 2 years ago. So, I think Mt. Balagbag would be great since, according to the organizer it is beginner friendly and the blog reviews about it tells the same.

The trek to Mt. Balabag's summit is so easy, you don't even need a guide. The trail is wide, no buwis buhay whatsoever to go through. But don't underestimate it, no matter how easy the climb is, it still makes your heart and body work double time.

At the center where we logged in.
The wash up area is the side of the center.

The wide trail of Mt. Balagbag

Mt. Balagbag is also famous to bikers and riders

Easy yet hard... 

Kyaa! Rest area!
We also logged in here.

I wonder what plant is this...
It is on the bench where we sat at the rest area.

Mavic and Jen a few kembot to the summit.
They are still smiling, right? Haha!

The view at the summit :) It was cloudy, so yeah... But never the less, it is still amazing and refreshing. 

After a quick rest at the summit, we left some of our things at the summit (there are lockers there or if your things won't fit in the locker you can leave it at the house's owner) and headed to Oriod Falls.

If the climb to Mt. Balagbag is walk in the park, the trek to Oriod Falls is the exact opposite... Talk about steep and narrow trail, add to that is the muddy and slippery trail because it rained the day before. We started out smoothly with the wide trail but after 10 minutes of walking, tall grass appears, the trail becomes narrow, the trees started to appear and slowly I started to focus on our safety. I wanted to take lots of photos along the trail but safety is my priority.

Better wear arm bands, the grass are quite sharp.
My friend Jen has a lot of scratches.

This is still part of the easy trail to Oriod falls

Photos with the whole group as we regain our energies before heading to the falls. I'm very thankful to these people especially Ate Yhan (the organizer) and to the 2 Kuyas who always assist us, the 3 of us (Jen,Mavic, and I) were always behind, we're slower than the rest of the group but no matter what they don't leave us, they stayed with us to ensure we are safe and okay.


If you run out of water, don't worry... There's a water source. I had a lot of water taken from the spring and my stomach didn't act up, so I can say that it is safe to drink :)

The spring of youth... Joke!
This is where you can get water if you ran out of it :)

These are some of the path we crossed to reach Oriod falls.

Still smiling but deep inside they are tired and wanted to give up.

I just couldn't let this view fades in my memory, so even if my mind is so consumed with worries about safety, I stopped a few minutes to appreciate this beautiful view and took a photo of it.

We also crossed a few streams and a river. Sersiously, I haven't keep tracked of how many streams we have crossed. I'm so tired the whole trek and again, I keep thinking about our safety. So, I only remembered this stream where we rest.

The cold water had our tired legs relaxed

The current was quite strong when we crossed it.
And some of the stones are slippery.

The river seems calm...
Up until the end, we struggled on going down the falls. Good thing we had it all for ourselves. We were the only group who visited the falls that time :)

This is the side of Oriod falls

Oriod Falls :)
We had our lunch at the Falls, we stayed about 1-2 hours there. Others swam all their want while I slept... The trek to the Falls sapped out all the energy in my body, so I decided to just sleep and have my energy back for our climb back to Mt. Balagbag. 

On our way back, it rained about 20 minutes before we finally reach MT. Balagbag, that makes the difficulty doubled.

We've met some riders
on our way back to Mt. Balagbag

I'm so proud of Jen!
It's her first time yet she nailed it!
I hope the experience didn't traumatize her.Haha!

Hiking with only a few hours of sleep and no breakfast, It makes me proud of myself. I was able to survive the difficult trek to the falls although there were times when I thought of giving up and to just stay behind. I had so many things running in my head lately, I usually find myself doing something yet I don't know what and why I'm doing it. It's like my body moves while my mind is blank. My climb to Mt. Balagbag and Oriod Falls, although it left me with so much body aches (haha!), had my brain wires back in track. 

Thanks for the memories Mt. Balagbag and Oriod Falls :)

If you want to travel around Bulacan area, might as well join CLHON RMG. They offer affordable trips and they are very accommodating and nice.


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