10 Books That Have Stayed With Me

About a week ago, I tagged myself in the so-called "Book Challenge" in facebook. The rule is to list 10 books that have stayed with you in some way and by doing so you will tag/challenge 10 of your friends.

In no particular order, here's my 10 books:

1. The Five People You Meet in Heaven by Mitch Albom

This is a story about an 83-year-old man, Eddie, who died and was welcomed in heaven by 5 people who affects his life in some ways while he's still alive. Some were strangers to him and some Eddie knew very well. One-by-one they showed Eddie's connections to them and as they revisited his life, Eddie discovered why his role on earth. 

This book made me realize the value of the people I've encountered, whether stranger or not, whether I've talked to them or not. The fact that they cross my path means that my life is affected by them and theirs was affected by me simply because we are all connected. 
“There are no random acts. We are all connected. You can no more separate one life from another, than you can separate a breeze from the wind.” 
 2. The Gift of Acabar by Og Mandino

Sometimes we forget about our significance, thus we tend to compare ourselves to others. Sometimes we forget about our own greatness that we feel discouraged to do what we really want. In this book, I was reminded that I was not born to be like anybody else, that I am here for a purpose that only I can serve.

This book is a must-read especially when you need encouragement or if it seems like nothing is right in your life.

Here is a part of the book that, I believe, is worth sharing:
Turn away from the crowd and its fruitless pursuit of fame and gold. Never look back as you close your door to the sorry tumult of greed and ambition. Wipe away your tears of failure and misfortune. Lay aside your heavy load and rest until your heart is still. Be at peace. Already it is later than you think, for your earthly life, at best, is only the blink of an eye between two eternities.
Be unafraid. Nothing here can harm you except yourself. Do that which you dread and cherish those victories with pride. Concentrate your energy. To be everywhere is to be nowhere. Be jealous of your time, since it is your greatest treasure. 
Reconsider your goals. Before you set your heart too much on anything, examine how happy they are who already possess what you desire. Love your family and count your blessings. Reflect on how eagerly they would be sought if you did not have them.Put aside your impossible dreams and complete the task at hand no matter how distasteful. All great achievements come from working and waiting. Be patient. God’s delays are never God’s denials. Hold on. Hold fast. Know that your paymaster is always near. What you sow, good or evil that you will reap. What you are is through your choice alone. Learn to live with honest poverty, if you must, and turn to more important matters than transporting gold to your grave.
Never meet trouble halfway. Anxiety is the rust of life; when you add tomorrow’s burdens to today’s their weight becomes unbreakable. Avoid the mourner’s bench and give thanks, instead, for your defeats. You would not receive them if you did not need them. Always learn from others. He who teaches himself has a fool for a master. Be careful. Do not overload your conscience.
Conduct your life as if it were spent in an arena filled with tattlers. Avoid boasting. If you see anything in you that puffs you with pride, look close and you will find more than enough to make you humble.Be wise. Realize that all men are not created equal, for there is no equality in nature, yet no man was ever born whose work was not born with him. Work every day as if it were your first, yet tenderly treat the lives you touch as if they will all end at midnight. Love everyone, even those who deny you, for hate is a luxury you cannot afford. Seek out those in need. Learn that he who delivers with one hand will always gather with two. Be of good cheer.
Above all, remember that very little is needed to make a happy life. Look up. Reach out. Cling simply to God and journey quietly on your pathway to forever with charity and a smile. When you depart, it will be said by all that your legacy was a better world than the one you found.

3. Like Water for Chocolate by Laura Esquivel

There are many ways to express our emotions but Tita, the main character, expresses hers through cooking.
Tita, as being the youngest of three sisters, was destined to take care of her mother, thus limiting her from marrying her one true love Pedro. What makes the story more complicated is when Pedro marries Tita's sister just to be closer to her. Every pain, anger, sadness, and passion that Tita feels is also felt by anyone who eats the food prepared by Tita.

This book is full of love, passion, and recipes (each chapter starts with a recipe).

4. Para Kay B by Ricky Lee

“Me quota ang pag-ibig. Sa bawat limang umiibig, isa lang ang magiging maligaya. Ang iba, iibig sa di sila iniibig. Iibig nang di natututo. O iibig sa wala. O di iibig kailanman.”
That quote made me buy this book. Is there really a quota in love? I don't think so, but then, I thought, maybe the author is right. This is a story about 5 women (Irene, Sandra, Ester, Erica at Bessie) who went through a lot to find their happy ever after. I like how well the author present the love story of each woman, how each story is different from other love stories I've read. After reading each chapter you'll find yourself feeling sorry for those women but as the quote suggests, only one can a happy ending. Who will it be?

Recommended for all the single ladies and for those who are into love stories.

5. House Rules by Jodi Picoult

What made me include this in my list is the disorder called Asperger's Syndrome. I have zero knowledge about the disorder, so I admire Jodi Picoult for educating the reader about this kind of autism plus I love the enthralling information I gained about forensics and courtroom trials. Through this book, Picoult also tackles the issues encircling those with Autism: their behaviors, how they cope up to society, and how society handles those with Autism. The greatest lesson that was imparted to me after reading it is that nothing's right or wrong when it comes to love, especially when it comes to your family.

6. My Maids Invest in the Stock Market by Bo Sanchez

I've heard about stock market on tv. I've read about it in newspapers but I didn't pay too much attention about until I've attended The Feast (weekly Catholic gathering). Bro. Bo Sanchez (founder of The Feast), encourages the attendees to invest, so I decided to give it a try. But it's hard to try something new without knowing anything about it and so I took hold of this book. Here, Bro. Bo will teach you how manage your finances, how to retire a millionaire (a multi-millionaire if you want) and how to open an online account.

If you want to be a millionaire grab a copy of this book!

This is based on a true story about a girl having Multiple Personality Disorder (MPD). Sybil's case, I believe, is one of the most interesting MPD cases in psych history. Sybil has sixteen (you've read it right, 16) personalities! Now, you know why this book stayed with me. These personalities is an outcome of child abuse,she was abused by her mother, who happens to have a psychiatric disorder as well. To know more of Sybil's 16 personalities click here.

8. A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens

 I'm quite sure that everyone have read or at least have heard about this story. Despite of its title, this one isn't just a must-read during Christmas season. The lessons it relay can be of use for any season. 

While everyone loves Christmas, Ebenezer Scrooge feels the exact opposite. Three spirits visited him on Christmas Eve: ghost of Christmas Past, Christmas Present, and Christmas Yet to Come. As Scrooge reflects on the lessons he learned after seeing his past, present and future, a change of heart happened when he woke up the following day.

This book reminds us to be kind, unselfish, and to be loving.

9. Like the Flowing River by Paulo Coelho

This book is packed with short inspiring articles recounting Paulo Coelho's thoughts and reflections. This is one of the books that I've read over and over again. For my favorite parts of the book you can read it in my previous post (click here).

10. Deception Point by Dan Brown

I'm a Dan Brown fan, so I really had a hard time thinking what work of his will I list. Except for the fact that I love Dan Brown becauseHe has this pretty excellent talent in unveiling the plot twist of his books, I chose Deception Point simply because it involves NASA (Yup! It's all because of NASA).

The book is about an Intelligent Analyst, Rachel Sexton, who was sent to North Pole to recover and authenticate, along with other experts, a rare object found beneath the ice. Aside from the rare object, Rachel discovered other secrets that made her run for her life.

This is recommended for those who love thrillers and those that are interested in science. 

How about you, what are the 10 books that have stayed with you? Make your list now!


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