Reminders from Pope Francis

Pope Francis' 5-day visit in the Philippines left us a lot of reminders through his speeches and homilies. And here, I listed some quotes that dug deep into my soul which left me thinking how well I've been as a Christian.
"You must make time each day for prayer... if we do not pray, we will not know the most important thing of all: God’s will for us." (Meeting with the Families at MOA Arena; January 16,2015) 
"What's my purpose?" and "What is God's will for me?" Two questions that I couldn't find any answer. To be honest, I envy those who, at a young age, already know what they want, who already discovered their calling. Well, I guess, I should pray more and wait a little longer knowing that one day I'll find the answers to these questions. 
"Do not hide your faith, do not hide Jesus, but carry him into the world and offer the witness of your family life!" (Meeting with the Families at MOA Arena; January 16,2015)
I've been exposed to serving the church since I was 7 years old. I've been an altar server, a choir member, and I've been part of Catholic organizations. I attend mass, read the Bible, and pray the rosary. But, through all these years, have I really carry Jesus into the world?
"Real love is about loving and letting yourself be loved. It’s harder to let yourself be loved than to love. That is why it is so difficult to come to the perfect love of God. We can love Him but we must let ourselves be loved by Him." (Encounter with the Youth at UST; January 18, 2015) 
It's true. It is easier to love than allowing yourself to be loved. I love myself, I really do, but I don't think I deserve somebody else's love. Most of the time, I'm taken aback by the kindness of others towards me. Maybe it's time to learn how to receive God's love through others.
"Real love allows you to spend yourselves, to leave your pockets empty. Think of St. Francis who died with empty hands and empty pockets but with a full heart." (Encounter with the Youth at UST; January 18, 2015) 

Leaving my pockets empty is not a problem. What hesitates me from emptying them is that I'm not quite sure if the person on the receiving end will put it into good use. There are those who take advantage of the Filipino's generosity, for example: a person asks a little help for the payment of their mother's wake/burial and then came the following week, the same person asking help for the payment of their father's/sister's/brother's wake/burial (I bet bus commuters are familiar with this scene.) Should I empty my pockets to these people?
"That is what the Santo Niño tells us. He reminds us of our deepest identity. All of us are God’s children, members of God’s family." (Concluding Mass at Quirino Grandstand; January 18, 2015) 
I usually have a hard time answering when ask about my talent. Although I've been a choir member for many years, I don't think I'm good at singing. Although I've won a couple of times in declamation contests in my younger years, I don't think I'm good at speaking. Although I've been able to write a few articles when I joined the journalism club in my elementary and high school years, I don't think I'm good at writing. I think that I am not qualified. I think I am not good. I think I am unworthy. But after Pope Francis reminds me that I am a child of God, I've realized that that alone is enough reason for me to be overqualified, to be the best and to be worthy of all the blessings I have.
"The devil is the father of lies. Often he hides his snares behind the appearance of sophistication, the allure of being “modern”, “like everyone else.” He distracts us with the promise of ephemeral pleasures, superficial pastimes. And so we squander our God-given gifts by tinkering with gadgets; we squander our money on gambling and drink; we turn in on ourselves. We forget to remain focused on the things that really matter. " (Concluding Mass at Quirino Grandstand; January 18, 2015)
When at home (which is most of the time), I just lay on our sofa, hold my tablet and play or surf the net, when the tablet's dead I'll turn the TV on and watch. I do have dreams, I do have plans but because of distractions I forget about them. I know... I shouldn't blame my tablet or the TV. It's my fault... From now on, I'll make use of every opportunity I have to achieve my dreams with my God-given gifts.


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